Device Closure For Pda Cost In India

Minimum Cost USD3780
Maximum Cost USD4620
  • Days In Hospital 4 days
  • Outside Hospital Stay 7 days
  • Success Rate 92-96%
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Dr. Nishtha Kalra
Dr. Nishtha Kalra Medical Content Editor and Manager International Patient Relations

Cost of Device Closure For Pda in India: Detailed Overview

Device Closure For Pda cost in India for Indian Patients is between USD2520 to USD3360. Cost for International patients is between USD 3780 to USD 4620.

Patient has to stay in the hospital for 4 days and outside the hospital for 7 days. The total cost of the treatment depends on the diagnosis and facilities opted by the patient.

Device closure for PDA is a surgery in premature and small babies close a PDA. The surgery is performed through a thoracotomy.
The procedure of device closure involves the placement of a catheter (a long thin tube) into the heart through a blood vessel in the leg. A device is then positioned in the PDA, effectively closing it from the inside. Usually, scar tissue starts to form around the device very quickly, often within hours, to seal it into place permanently.

Cost related to Device Closure For Pda in India

Listing approximate price of Device Closure For Pda and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
PDA Device Closure Rs.186480 Rs.248640

How much does Device Closure For Pda cost in different cities in India?

The price varies across the cities. Tier 1 Cities are usualy more expencive thane tier 2 cities. The price for Device Closure For Pda in different cities in India is approximately in the range of:

Cities Min. Cost Max Cost
New Delhi Rs.157576 Rs.246464
Gurgaon Rs.161616 Rs.242424
Noida Rs.151515 Rs.252525
Chennai Rs.161616 Rs.232323
Mumbai Rs.165656 Rs.246464
Bangalore Rs.157576 Rs.238384
Kolkata Rs.151515 Rs.228283
Jaipur Rs.141414 Rs.226262
Mohali Rs.145454 Rs.343434
Ahmedabad Rs.135353 Rs.224242
Hyderabad Rs.155555 Rs.236363

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How much does Device Closure For Pda cost in different countries?

For patients planning to travel abroad it is useful to know the price in destinations popular with medical travellers. The price for Device Closure For Pda in different countries is approximately:

Countries Min. Cost Max. Cost
Turkey USD 5200 USD 7800
Malaysia USD 6720 USD 10080

Success Rate

Usually, the success rate is high and varies between 92-96%.

Doctors for Device Closure For Pda in India

The right doctor to consult for Device closure for PDA is a Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon.

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Patient's Review

Ms. Marie Jimmy

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I came to India for my heart valve replacement. Thanks to the Vaidam team for taking care of me during my treatment. I'm grateful for the great facilities provided for my medical treatment here.


Baby Fathima Jabbi

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After discovering that our baby had a heart defect, we reached out to Marengo Asia Hospital. The surgery was successful, and our baby is recovering well. My baby was diagnosed with a heart defect when she was just six months old. We came to India and consulted Dr. Rajesh Sharma. He performed a successful surgery. She is recovering well now.


Ms. Fortune Harusekwi

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My sister had mitral valve replacement surgery at Fortis Hospital, and it went very well. I am so happy with the service. They really took care of us. A big Thanks to them.


Mr. Samir Mohammed Abdo

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Dr. Rohit Goel and Dr. Mukul Bhargava are very good doctors from Fortis hospital, Gurgaon. My heart surgery was done within three days. I am thankful to them.


Suresh Chandra

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My father underwent heart bypass surgery at Artemis Hospital under the guidance of Dr. Murtaza Ahmed Chisti. He has recovered completely, thanks to them.


Salesh Raman

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I was able to walk a few steps on the 3rd day after my surgery. I count my blessings every day, and I am thankful Dr. Murtaza Ahmed Chishti did my heart surgery. My husband underwent a heart Bypass surgery in India at Artemis Hospital, and we are very grateful for that.


Everything You Need to Know About Device Closure For Pda: Q&A

Before the Procedure (6 Questions):

PDA Device closure is a minimally invasive procedure which is designed to close the ductus arteriosus.There are special heart doctors who are pediatric cardiologist use this procedure for placing a small device in vessels which closes the PDA.

Normally PDA closes within two to three days but in premature infants the opening make take longer time to close. If the connection is opened it is called as patent ductus ateriosus.

If PDA is of small size it may close on its own as child grows but PDA which causes symptoms will needs to be treated with medicine. The pediatric cardiologist will check from time to time whether PDA is closing on its own or not.

PDA is being closed with stitches or clips, problems does not occur after the procedure. If problem occur they may last longer and include hoarseness, infection, bleeding and fluid accumulation around the lungs. In some cases baby may need a machine to breathe for some time.

The prognosis of PDA is outstanding there are lot of people who have lot of problem with this in their long term.

You should close a PDA when it remains after birth in some babies it remains open for a shorter time period but after birth 90% will be closed by 8 weeks and the rest will be closed during the first year of life.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

PDA ligation surgery is being done by a pediatric cardiologist.

PDA surgery takes one to three hours to be complete and after the procedure the child will be taken to the recovery room for one to six to eight hours to wake up from anaesthesia.

The surgery is done by a thoracotomy, from upper left side of the back chest is exposed and the surgeon separates the ribs and move the lungs for visualizing the PDA.  The surgeon separates the ribs and moves the lungs so that PDA is visualized. After that surgeon either clips or ligates the PDA. This is a very straightforward surgery which has quick recovery.

Post the Procedure (3 Questions):

All patients who have undergone this surgery should take antibiotics before any dental or surgical procedure for minimum six months after the procedure.  The precaution is done to minimize the risk of any bacterial infection by forming in heart tissue.

A small PDA may close on its own when child grows a PDA that cause symptoms will need to be treated with medicine or surgery.  If PDA does not close then it is needed to be fixed to prevent lung problems.

Your child is needed to stay in the hospital for minimum four to six hours after the surgery in some cases child is needed to stay overnight also.

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