A Successful Urethroplasty in India Finally Rendered Bob Eric Odawa a Life of Comfort and Normalcy
Bob Shares the Experience of his Medical Travel to India with Vaidam's assistance:
65-year-old Bob Eric Odawa suffered from urethral stricture, a medical condition which involves narrowing of the urethra due to any injury, infection or certain types of urethritis.
He, therefore, suffered from recurrent UTI that made his life painful and uncomfortable. “I have been undergoing treatments for several years but I was still not cured. Life was becoming tougher as each day passed”, said Odawa.
With so many futile medical attempts in his own country Kenya, Odawa now wanted to have his treatment somewhere else. “I and my son searched in the internet for the most suitable treatment at reasonable rates. It was at this time that we came across Vaidam Health. My son dropped an enquiry to which we got responded. It was like a ray of hope for me”, said he.
In India, Odawa was taken to Batra Hospital by Vaidam’s patient manager where his treatment was done by Dr. Manoj Talwar. “Dr. Tamanna from Vaidam had given me a lot of suggestions regarding which hospital or doctor should I go to and what treatment will be the best for me. Dr. Talwar was fantastic. He said that I required a surgery, urethroplasty, to which I abided. Everything went well in the hospital. Everyone was very helpful and cooperative”, said he.
Happy and cured of his illness Odawa, after his 20 days medical tour in India extended his gratitude to Vaidam Health. “Vaidam has been by my side at every step of my treatment. They provided a comfortable accommodation for me and my son. They were very understanding and amiable. I loved their hospitality and definitely recommend them to acquaintances in my own country. It is because not only Vaidam helps you to get the best treatment but India too is a country that consists of some of the best doctors and hospitals; their patient care facilities are commendable”.