Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
This is a condition in which there is the unexplained sudden death of an infant. SIDS mostly occurs under the age of 1 year. It is also known as crib death because the baby dies while sleeping in a crib. Infants of age 2-4 months are more susceptible to have it. Studies have suggested that it may be caused due to abnormalities in the area of the brain, which is responsible for breathing and arousal from sleep.
SIDS is responsible for nearly 1600 infants die each year in the US.
Possible causes of SIDS
What are the associated risk factors for SIDS?
According to a study done in the best lung hospitals in India, following the most common risk factors are discovered.
Boys are more prone to have SIDS than girls.
Infants of age between 2-4 months are more prone than others.
Non-whites are more susceptible than white infants.
Infants whose siblings or cousins have already died of SIDS are also more susceptible.
Babies living around smokers are more prone.
Premature babies or babies with low birth weight are more prone.
Infants having young mothers of less than 20 years of age are at higher risk.
Ways to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Back to sleep - At least during the first year of life, the baby must be put to sleep on his/her back and not on the stomach or side. Avoid using the stomach position to calm down the child.
Keeping the crib empty - Thick and fluffy padded should be avoided for placing the infant. Do not leave any pillows, toys or stuffed animals in the crib. Such things can be pressed against the face and obstruct breathing.
Avoid overheating - Do not cover the baby’s head and use a sleep sack to keep the baby warm. Use those sleep clothing that does not require additional covers.
Make the baby sleep with your room - The child should be put alone in the crib but in the parents’ room for at least 6 months to 1 year.
Breastfeeding - The child should be breastfed for at least 6 months to reduce the risk of SIDS.
Avoid using any monitors or other devices to reduce the risk of SIDS.
Use of pacifier - Sucking a pacifier without any strap while sleeping may also reduce the risk. However, if you are breastfeeding the child, do not offer a pacifier till the age of 3-4 weeks.
Immunizations - Get all the immunizations of the child on time.
Avoid addictive habits - It is important to get rid of addictive habits like drinking, smoking or use of other drugs, especially during pregnancy. Passive smoking can also lead to SIDS.