- Dr. Srikanth K P specializes in pediatric and adolescent disorders, with particular specialization in digestive system issues.
- Dr. Srikanth KP is an expert in Recurrent Pancreatitis, Chronic Pancreatitis, G-Tube Replacement, Polypectomy, EVL, EST, Paediatric Liver Transplant, Metabolic Liver Disease, Paediatric Function Gl Disorders, Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disorders, Esophageal & Pyloric Dilation, and Neonatal & Paediatric Endoscopy with 12 years of experience.
- This is a specialized field of medicine, with only a few doctors trained and qualified in India. With scientific and technological advancements, there is a ray of hope for all children and their families for a full solution to many digestive issues.
- He also has training in Hepatology and Nutrition.
- Dr. Srikanth K P has received numerous awards and recognitions.
- Dr. Srikanth K P is an active member of India's Medical Council.
- He is fluent in languages like English, Hindi and Kannada.