- Dr. Prashant Mehta is an Oncologist/Cancer Specialist along with specialization in Hematology and has 9+ years of professional experience.
- He offers his services in Pediatric Oncology, Bone Marrow Transplant, Hemato-Oncology as well as Medical Oncology
- Dr. Prashant judiciously uses a novel from of cancer therapy known as targeted therapy. This form of treatment targets specific proteins or genes to deliver the drug precisely to the cancerous cells thereby enhancing response to therapy.
- He likewise uses the newest form of biological agents to improve survival and maximize chances of cure wherever applicable.
- Dr Prashant Mehta believes in an in-depth pathological analysis and a thorough immunophenotyping to confirm diagnosis prior to initating any form of medicine. For this purpose, he utilizes molecular analysis effectively in order to aid in treatment planning.
- His plan is thorough, multidisciplinary, ethical, scientific and evidence-based
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